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Goodbye Newgrouds

Posted by MikeandTreyVideo - December 13th, 2012

I technically said goodbye 6 months ago, but I neglected to make a post. But yeah, all my work from here on is going on deviantart and youtube only. My username on those sites is "ocarinaplaya" if you wish to look me up.

If you're curious as to why I'm leaving: I'm honestly tired of the kids on this site. It started off as a cool site where amateur animators could upload their work and get honest feedback and improve themselves. Now we have animators here that are way above average constantly out-shining everyone else. Their good animation skills have managed to spoil the kids that frequent this site and as a result those same kids keep comparing the works of the pros to whatever hapless flash they happen to be watching. Yes, it's that guy's first ever flash animation. Instead of offering helpful advice, all I see are generic youtube comments and unoriginal hate.

I'm done with it. I shan't read any comments once this is uploaded so feel free to say "we're better off without you" and "you're stuff wasn't even good" and whatnot. At least I can get constructive criticism on deviantart.


Goodbye Newgrouds



dude look at the scores of my art submissions. i still contact people privately for advice and feedback. who cares what trolls say

Yeah man, they win if you leave.

Don't leave us you wuss.

You better keep making those Doctor Whooves flashes, though. They are good. I also wouldn't mind seeing another VG cats flash, even though I've only seen, like one or two. If you quit, the trolls will keep doing what they are doing without any regard to your departure. You think Youtube is any better? More than anything, it's worse! It's the most popular video site there is! If you leave to go to Youtube, then you will not see any letup of the same: more than anything, you will see more from assholes who don't even know what they are looking for!

poopy poopy butt dix

At first I was sad, then I realized you were a brony-fag. Now I don't care.

On a less assholish side, how exactly is leaving Newgrounds for Youtube because of Youtube-esque comments exactly making any form of sense?

Just posting to say "Hi"

Because you will come back to see these comments, anyone who explicitly feels the need to state that they "Won't be back to read the comments" always does exactly that.

I also got a heart laugh out of your Deviant Art comment. If by "constructive criticism" you mean rampant acceptance of mediocrity and circle-jerks, then yes you are correct. The YouTube diversion is so laughable that I needn't mention it. But, I wish you luck regardless.

Wow, even though you won't read this you contradicted everything you said in your post.

You make an extremely good point, but we shall miss you!

I'm sure you'll find an audience that will appreciate your fan art of a show for little girls elsewhere.

"people on newgrounds act childish and don't provide constructive criticism so Im going to youtube and deviant art!"

you are setting yourself up for a world of disappointment

Oh thank God, I really couldn't stand your VG Cat movies and Dr Whooves stuff.
DA and YT are full of mindless drones who lap up unoriginal stuff like this, so good move.

I don't know you, but you're still gay.

Ok, so what you're saying is:

Being an internet animator was fun when the standards were low, but now it's being taken seriously as a platform and people are actually pushing themselves and working hard to achieve good results. People who have worked hard have made work at standards closer to TV, film and the festival circuit, (a.k.a acceptable by real-world standards), and you consider these people to be 'way above average'.

As a result, people on Newgrounds are being more critical of your animations, by suggesting you push yourself harder and actually TRY to be good by some standard, rather than the now defunct e-card-of-babies-farting-in-a-bath standard, and you consider these critical comments suggesting you try harder "not constructive or critical enough" and "too Youtubey".

To resolve this, you will instead only post to Youtube, the home of all things Youtubey, and DeviantArt, the site which offers no critique and only meaningless niceties, complete with some little animated smilies hugging or on fire or some shit.

Somehow I don't think this will resolve the issue of "generic youtube comments" or "lack of helpful advice", nor do I think that's the real issue. I think this is actually all because DeviantArt and Youtube like 'My Little Pony' more, the franchise which all of your popularity hangs on. Which is important when the only appeal to your work is "it's more of that thing I already like", rather than having any merit of its own to stand on.

Also you missed out an 'N' in 'Newgrounds' and I bet your dick smells funny.

"I can't upload here anymore.. the time it takes to upload and receive a little more attention is invading my forever alone time."

I'm sorry MikeAndTrey but I completely disagree with you, but hear me out:

I think you've done some wonderful animations in the past, but I don't think you should judge the entire site based on a few people who frequent it and maybe review your work. I think your work is actually above average for the par and normally people just like animating stuff. It's actually easier to get things through the portal than you'd think. In fact some of your animations have tilted beyond the 100,000 view mark, an impressive feat.

That said I can only imagine that this is stemming from the lack of recent views or the feeling you aren't getting feedback. The point of animating is that it IS hard, and you will be critiqued, even to the point where some kid may say something stupid. Just ignore it and enjoy the site as it is, a place for animators to post their stuff and enjoy it with the rest of us.

Contrary to popular opinion, we don't all have time to review JUST your work. On deviant art you're only going to get overly positive opinions, but over time you'll feel like you haven't improved. On youtube, the same. You won't get that extra push, or the extra inspiration to do something extravagant. But at the same time, the site here is meant to be enjoyed. You don't HAVE to make something amazingly awesome. You can make something silly and quick. Something to make people laugh and cry.

I would fervently please ask you not to leave. Youtube itself will only fill the gap of your own ego. Here you can be challenged, which can't be said by the 'its all good' positive reinforcement fanatics of deviantart. The reason people may mock you is you're taking things way too seriously. We all DO enjoy your work, I'm sorry I didn't get to review yours at the time. Uploading here is insanely simple, and you get at least some feedback. Most people don't get to the stage you're at, so at least consider it as an alternative, so you can gather people from youtube,DA, and newgrounds so you can get differing opinions.

Have fun with your ponies and cats then, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Bye, ocarinaplaya.
Nice to meet you...

Another front page of farewells due to a lack of creative willpower.

Did you know einstein once said that repetition is one of the forms of insanity by definition "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"?

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