
Age 36, Male



Joined on 9/7/05

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MikeandTreyVideo's News

Posted by MikeandTreyVideo - December 13th, 2012

I technically said goodbye 6 months ago, but I neglected to make a post. But yeah, all my work from here on is going on deviantart and youtube only. My username on those sites is "ocarinaplaya" if you wish to look me up.

If you're curious as to why I'm leaving: I'm honestly tired of the kids on this site. It started off as a cool site where amateur animators could upload their work and get honest feedback and improve themselves. Now we have animators here that are way above average constantly out-shining everyone else. Their good animation skills have managed to spoil the kids that frequent this site and as a result those same kids keep comparing the works of the pros to whatever hapless flash they happen to be watching. Yes, it's that guy's first ever flash animation. Instead of offering helpful advice, all I see are generic youtube comments and unoriginal hate.

I'm done with it. I shan't read any comments once this is uploaded so feel free to say "we're better off without you" and "you're stuff wasn't even good" and whatnot. At least I can get constructive criticism on deviantart.


Goodbye Newgrouds


Posted by MikeandTreyVideo - April 6th, 2012

Be forewarned: this is a Pony project.

I'm in need of some voices for my Halloween animation project for this year based on the song by SandJosieph, Carnival Cat vs Ponyville

I have all the details on my youtube video complete with downloads to mp3s and lyrics. I've gotten plenty of female submissions (still need more), but I also need some guys to sing. Makes for a richer harmony methinks.

Feel free to PM me here, on youtube, or my deviantart page if you have any questions or submissions.


Posted by MikeandTreyVideo - March 21st, 2012

Okay, so now that Doctor Whooves is done, it's time for me to select a halloween project to start on in June. (I plan to start and finish the 2nd Doctor Whooves in May)

My interests are animated adaptations of Carnival Cat or Rainbow Factory.

I'm particularly fond of Carnival Cat. Currently recording the lyrics with my sis and various other vocalists. If you're an alto I could definitely use you.

Posted by MikeandTreyVideo - March 18th, 2012

So I finally finished Doctor Whooves the other day and I think it turned out great!

Still having issues with the youtube version and adding the intro (since the video file is too large to upload to newgrounds).

Posted by MikeandTreyVideo - February 10th, 2012

I really don't like it, to be honest. I see some useful tools, but most of the useful tools from the old design are noticeably missing. I can't seem to recommend flash for collections, I don't know how far I'm going as far as leveling up, and flash synopsis are missing from the front page. I'd rather not have to wait 5 minutes for a movie to load only to find out it's not something I'd have liked to see.

If they can re-incoroporate the useful stuff from the old design into this new one, then things won't be so hard to use.

Posted by MikeandTreyVideo - January 28th, 2012

So after submitting that animation test disguised as a trailer, I think I've found a chunk of kinks that would make this project fall short of awesome set by 47times.

I haven't a clue as to how long this will take me since the first episode is basically just talking and developing characters. Hopefully I can have it done before the end of February. If anyone has any suggestions that will help make this thing high quality, feel free to comment.

Posted by MikeandTreyVideo - November 12th, 2011

After receiving some extremely helpful advice from 47times (creator of "Epic Cupcake Time"), I've decided to put his advice to practice by attempting a full animated adaptation of the popular audio series "Doctor Whooves and the Assistant."

However, I won't start the project until I've finished VG Cats Animated 6. I'm nearly done with VGC5 and may release it next week. I suspect I'll start the Dr. Whooves project in February. If I finish that on time, I'll get started on working on a longer, fully voiced, directly adapted version of "Cupcakes." As tired as the fanfic is, it's still entertaining. So sue me.

Doctor Whooves and the Assistant

Posted by MikeandTreyVideo - October 23rd, 2011

So Cupcakes is finally finished and, from what I can tell, it's the only animated adaption currently released. I know that some others are doing it too, but I beat them in this race >:D

It could've been better but I rushed right through it. Maybe I'll redo it for next year. Get ahold of those two voice actresses who did Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash in that toon "Epic Cupcake Time" (it's awesome btw) and get into more gory details.

Until then, I'm back on the VG Cats animated scene and working on number 5. The Xmas special is already done and will be released December 1st.

(I need to remind Omahdon that I need his end of the year message.)

Cupcakes is finished... or is it?

Posted by MikeandTreyVideo - October 15th, 2011

With great support from the brony community and awesome backgrounds from DeftWise-Zero, I may actually be able to release this by tuesday (if i can finish it this weekend and do some cleaning up).

I would wet my pants if this was featured on Equestria Daily when it's finished, but that's just me being an attention whore.

MLP: Cupcakes progress

Posted by MikeandTreyVideo - September 8th, 2011

Okay, so I'm thinking of putting a hold on VG Cats animated 5 for a more Halloween-y themed piece, and since I'm a new(ish) brony, I figured I'd try to animate the infamous "Cupcakes" fan fiction for My little pony: friendship is magic. I haven't seen anything from anyone in terms of animation attempts. Just fan trailers using clips from the show. If you think this'll work with my style of animation (see my VG Cats works) feel free to drop an opinion.

If anyone would like to help, it'll be silent (no voices) with just BGM and I would love it if someone could create backgrounds, draw the tools and props, etc while I conceptualize the project and make the characters and animate.

My Little Pony: Cupcakes